Corporations and law firms outsource payroll and human resources to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Lately, they have realized that the same benefits apply to outsourcing their docketing services.
Cardinal’ s Docket Services Team is fluent in all major docket software packages and supports docket services on all major docket software platforms. Cardinal also supports docket clients using our own docketing software, administered by our Docket Services Team, at no extra charge.
Whether you continue to use your current docket software, or you choose to move to a new, fully featured docket solution like Cardinal’s IP Project Control, outsourcing your docket support deserves strong consideration. Our highly skilled and well-trained professionals provide complete service continuity.
Assets Managed
Cardinal’s Docketing Solution Incorporates
Docketing Paralegal Services
It is difficult and expensive for corporations and law firms to hire, train, and retain skilled docketing staff. Let Cardinal IP solve your docketing problems. When staff members are sick, on vacation, or special projects come up, let our team of docketing experts allow your attorneys and paralegals to focus on higher value work. Cardinal’s 100% domestic and professional staff is ready to support your existing docketing on most third party docketing software, or Cardinal’s own IP Project Control.
Cardinal paralegals manage your docket with precision, adhering to strict due dates, and upholding premier docketing standards. Cardinal paralegals manage hundreds of thousands of matters for clients large and small. Well-versed in both patent and trademark procedures, our staff is trained to accurately and efficiently manage your intellectual property matters through well-documented, best-practice processes.
Docket Auditing
Third party docket auditing improves the quality of the information your attorneys and paralegals rely on, and in many cases, decreases liability insurance costs. Cardinal has not only developed proven procedures for auditing, but has a skilled team of paralegals and docket specialists to conduct docket audits.
Both of these approaches provide useful information to analyze the quality and efficiency of your docketing system. Spot audits provide a snapshot of the current data status, including any defects, absences and common pitfalls. The ongoing periodic audit is more comprehensive and provides information concerning defect trends in an effort to help you understand whether your system is increasing in quality (less defects) or diminishing in quality (more defects.)
To determine whether either audit will improve your department’s efficiency, schedule an appointment for a complimentary 20-point audit consultation to help assess your docket audit needs.
IP Project Control
IP Project Control is a cloud-based docketing platform designed for full life-cycle intellectual property asset management. Clients with portfolio sizes ranging from tens of matters to tens of thousands of matters use.
Users can monitor case statuses, track due dates, and view full electronic tri-fold records in a single central repository. This affords users ready access to critical docket information.
Cardinal provides a smooth transition process to a fully-managed docketing solution. Based on our significant experience transitioning clients, our staff will work with you to develop a comprehensive project plan leading to service launch. We will coordinate the efforts of your attorneys, paralegals and IT staff, the USPTO, and other involved parties.
Legacy system conversion requires a working knowledge of both old and new systems. Cardinal’s team has a proven track record of successful migrations.
IP Project Control delivers everything you would expect from an enterprise docketing solution as well as some additional features available exclusively through our platform.
Invention Disclosure Management
Cardinal offers an invention disclosure management system called IDEAS (Invention Disclosure Evaluation & Analysis System). IDEAS can be used as an integrated part of IP Project Control or as a standalone software solution.
IDEAS provides a simple online interface for your inventor community to submit disclosures. The intuitive design makes invention submission easy, and provides your inventors with information about where the disclosure is in the review or patenting process.