Trademark Searching

At Cardinal our wide variety of trademark reports are all generated and reviewed by experienced trademark attorneys. Our team makes sure to use advanced searching techniques to generate a report with the most relevant results.

Cardinal offers a wide variety of trademark searches which can be tailored to meet your individual searching needs. Our trademark attorneys use the most up-to-date trademark databases to give a complete report that can include, but is not limited to, relevant marks of any status, domain names, corporate directory names, internet products, web pages, and use in marketing or other news.

Professionals In Meeting

U.S. Trademark Searches

Comprehensive Trademark Search

Cardinal’s most commonly ordered search is our U.S. Comprehensive Trademark Search. The Comprehensive search provides the best overall analysis as to what is present in the stream of commerce. This search includes all relevant marks which are registered with the USPTO, as well as pending, cancelled, and abandoned marks. Our trademark attorneys also search state trademark registers, related common law databases including marketing and news sources, corporate name directories, and top-level domain registers to give a full comprehensive report.

Knock-Out Trademark Search

Cardinal’s U.S. Knock Out Trademark Search is often used as a preliminary search when a full comprehensive search is not yet needed. The Knock Out Trademark Search includes all relevant marks which are registered with the USPTO, as well as pending, cancelled, and abandoned marks.

Bundled U.S. Trademark Searches

Cardinal can bundle the following U.S. searches to give the best value with our quality results.

  • U.S. Comprehensive Search + U.S. Design Search
  • U.S. Knock-Out Search + U.S. Design Search

Design Trademark Search

Our Design Trademark Search looks for trademark design availability within the U.S. Our experienced trademark analysts break down the design elements of the subject mark and utilize the same to uncover pending and abandoned U.S. trademark applications and registered and cancelled U.S. trademarks.

Common Law Trademark Search

Cardinal’s U.S. Common Law search determines the use of a trademark in related industries within the U.S. This report includes results from common law databases including marketing and news sources, corporate name directories, and top-level domain registers.

EUIPO & WIPO Foreign Trademark Searches

Our EUIPO and WIPO foreign trademark searches consist of the same thorough search as in all of our U.S. searches. Whether a comprehensive, design, or a knock-out search, our experienced searchers will apply the same method and analysis as in the U.S. searches to find all relevant results in the EUIPO or WIPO databases. A comprehensive search will further include results from related common law databases including marketing and news sources, corporate name directories, and top-level domain registers. The EUIPO and WIPO searches may be bundled with each other or with a U.S. search.

Detailed Trademark Search Results

Every trademark search project provides you with a full PDF report that includes summary tables, copies of all uncovered records in full citation format, and a full search history that details the databases, classes, and keywords used in the search. You also receive secure access to the report on IP Dashboard, Cardinal’s interactive, web-based report interface. On IP Dashboard, you can easily navigate the report to view records and images, red flag and sort records of interest, draft and save comments on records, and generate and download customized PDF reports.